ハニー - Honey - ♀
[年齢] 6 歳(2025年時点)
[サイズ] 8 kgs
[特徴] ハニーは名前の通り甘くて愛らしいコッカースパニエル。しっぽをフリフリ、ご機嫌な笑顔でみんなに挨拶します。遊ぶのも甘えるのも大好きで、草むらを駆け回ったり、大好きな人のそばでまったりしたり。優しくて陽気なハニーは、そばにいるだけで幸せをくれる存在です!
[Age] 6 years old (as of 2025)
[Breed] cocker spaniel
[Reason for rescue]
[Size] 8 kg
[Characteristics] Honey is as sweet and lovable as her name! She wags her tail happily and greets everyone with a cheerful smile. She loves to play, cuddle, and run through the grass, always full of energy and affection. With her gentle and joyful nature, just having Honey by your side brings happiness!
Post Office accounts:
HEART Shelter Fund
Account number: 01690-4-100481
Account number: 01640-5-84593
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ
Branch 546 (Tokushima, Motomachi)
Account number: 0052370 HEART
Mizuho Bank
Branch: 645
Account number: 1777422
Within Japan:
AWA BANK, Ihoku branch;
Account number: 1162706 HEART
PayPal account: susan@heart-tokushima.com
Heart Tokushima
Tokushima, Shibunocho, Minamidani 95 Tokushima 771-4267Japan
*Please be sure to contact us prior to your visit.