オビ - Obi - ♂
[年齢] 7 歳(2025年時点)
[特徴] Obiは、堂々とした態度と愛らしい魅力を持つシルバータビー。初めて会う人ともすぐに打ち解け、まるで昔からの友達のように接してくれます。いつもそばにいてくれる温かい存在で、一緒に過ごす時間は特別なものになること間違いなし。
過去に尿路閉塞を経験し、「会陰尿道造瘻術(PU手術)」 を受けましたが、現在は完全に回復し、元気いっぱい!この手術により、今後の尿路トラブルのリスクが大幅に減り、快適に過ごしています。特別なケアは必要なく、普通の猫と同じように生活できます。
[Age] 7 year old (as of 2025)
[Reason for rescue]
[Characteristics] Obi is a silver tabby with a bold presence and an irresistible charm. He warms up to new people right away, making you feel like you’ve been friends forever. Always by your side, he brings warmth and joy to every moment you share together.
In the past, Obi experienced a urinary blockage and underwent a perineal urethrostomy (PU) surgery to prevent future issues. Thanks to this procedure, he has fully recovered and is now living a happy, healthy life. No special care is required—he can live just like any other cat!
Could Obi be the perfect addition to your home? 💕✨
Post Office accounts:
HEART Shelter Fund
Account number: 01690-4-100481
Account number: 01640-5-84593
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ
Branch 546 (Tokushima, Motomachi)
Account number: 0052370 HEART
Mizuho Bank
Branch: 645
Account number: 1777422
Within Japan:
AWA BANK, Ihoku branch;
Account number: 1162706 HEART
PayPal account: susan@heart-tokushima.com
Heart Tokushima
Tokushima, Shibunocho, Minamidani 95 Tokushima 771-4267Japan
*Please be sure to contact us prior to your visit.