オレラ - Orella - ♀
[年齢] 4 歳(2025年時点)
[犬種] ラブ
[サイズ] 20
[特徴] オレラは優しくて人懐っこい黄ラブラドールです。明るく社交的な性格で、誰にでもしっぽを振って優しく挨拶します。リードでの散歩にはまだ慣れていませんが、好奇心旺盛で学ぶ意欲があるので、すぐに慣れていくでしょう。ポジティブなサポートと愛情をもらいながら、日々自信をつけています。楽しそうに世界を探検したり、寄り添ってくつろいだりするオレラは、最高のパートナーになれる素敵な子です。
[Age] 4 years old (as of 2025)
[Breed] Labrador
[Reason for rescue]
[Size] 20 kg
[Characteristics] Orella is a sweet and affectionate yellow Labrador who loves making friends. Naturally outgoing, she greets everyone with a wagging tail and a gentle heart. Though she may be new to walking on a lead, her eagerness to learn and trust makes her a quick study. With patience and positive reinforcement, she’s gaining confidence every day. Whether exploring the world with joy or curling up for cuddles, Orella is a loving companion ready for her forever home.
Post Office accounts:
HEART Shelter Fund
Account number: 01690-4-100481
Account number: 01640-5-84593
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ
Branch 546 (Tokushima, Motomachi)
Account number: 0052370 HEART
Mizuho Bank
Branch: 645
Account number: 1777422
Within Japan:
AWA BANK, Ihoku branch;
Account number: 1162706 HEART
PayPal account: susan@heart-tokushima.com
Heart Tokushima
Tokushima, Shibunocho, Minamidani 95 Tokushima 771-4267Japan
*Please be sure to contact us prior to your visit.