[年齢] 4 歳(2025年時点)
[特徴] れんこんの丸顔は、思わずぎゅっとしたくなるかわいさだ! でも、辛党でもあるので、信頼を勝ち取るには時間がかかりそう。 ちゅーるは彼の愛情を勝ち取るための方法なのだ!
[Age] 4 years old (as of 2025)
[Reason for rescue]
[Characteristics] Renkon has the cutest round face you just want to squish! He looks so cuddly, but he is also spicy and it will take some time to win his trust. Churu is the way to win his affection!
Post Office accounts:
HEART Shelter Fund
Account number: 01690-4-100481
Account number: 01640-5-84593
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ
Branch 546 (Tokushima, Motomachi)
Account number: 0052370 HEART
Mizuho Bank
Branch: 645
Account number: 1777422
Within Japan:
AWA BANK, Ihoku branch;
Account number: 1162706 HEART
PayPal account: susan@heart-tokushima.com
Heart Tokushima
Tokushima, Shibunocho, Minamidani 95 Tokushima 771-4267Japan
*Please be sure to contact us prior to your visit.