ナキタ - Nakita - ♀
[年齢] 5 歳(2025年時点)
[犬種] mix
[保護理由] 徳島県動物愛護管理センターより保護
[サイズ] 16kgs
[特徴] ナキタは、美しいバセンジー風のルックスと素晴らしい性格を持った女の子です。フレンドリーで愛情深く、会う人すべてが大好きです。明るく優しい性格で、元気に尻尾を振りながらあなたを迎えてくれることでしょう。家族と過ごす時間を大切にし、たくさんの愛情を注いでくれるナキタは、最高のパートナーになること間違いなしです。ぜひナキタに会いに来て、新しい家族の一員として迎えてみませんか?
[Age] 5 years old (as of 2025)
[Breed] mix
[Reason for rescue]
rescued from animal control
[Size] 16 kg
[Characteristics] Nakita is a beautiful girl with the looks of a Basenji and an even more wonderful personality. She’s friendly, affectionate, and loves everyone she meets. Her warm, loving nature makes her the perfect companion, and she’ll brighten your days with her wagging tail and joyful spirit. Nakita cherishes time spent with her family and is ready to shower you with love and loyalty. Come meet Nakita and see if she’s the perfect new member of your family!
Post Office accounts:
HEART Shelter Fund
Account number: 01690-4-100481
Account number: 01640-5-84593
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ
Branch 546 (Tokushima, Motomachi)
Account number: 0052370 HEART
Mizuho Bank
Branch: 645
Account number: 1777422
Within Japan:
AWA BANK, Ihoku branch;
Account number: 1162706 HEART
PayPal account: susan@heart-tokushima.com
Heart Tokushima
Tokushima, Shibunocho, Minamidani 95 Tokushima 771-4267Japan
*Please be sure to contact us prior to your visit.